This page shows the latest data around Tradelands Battle Simulator (TBS) which attempts to capture statistics associated with the various ships of Tradelands, specifically in combat performance. For the interpretation of what this data represents, you can view the Youtube Video where this is applied into a statistical analysis. The current version of TBS is v3.1 which was finalized on November 17th, 2023. This means all battles, both public and private, which were used to complete this data set took place on or before this date. This version builds upon the data from TBS v 2.4 which was compiled on March 20th, 2023. However, the earliest public battle in this data set was January 30th 2023, meaning no data from any battle prior to this date was included in the statistical model.

This is subject to change based on updates made to the game.

NOTE: Battles will include players who are not affiliated with F&BP. We cannot provide information on who the participants are, as in most cases we will not actually know.

Stack Rankings

The stack ranking charts shows how each ship performed in actual in-game match ups with other players. These do not include Combat Missions at present but may in the future. The color system corresponds to the same as what is used on the Combat Ship Statistics video as well as the Ship Ratings and Stats page. You can click each image to view a higher resolution version of each one. These charts are snapshots recorded as of November 20, 2023, and should not be viewed as living documents. These are only updated periodically when the data is refreshed, usually due to being stale or obsolete.

Current Winning Percentage of battles viewed on public servers. Some ships have more battles fought that others which will skew data. Also, data only includes battles on Public Servers and not those conducted in official events like Roleplays. As a result, combat experience of players will have an impact in the ships overall ranking.
Maximum DPS captured by ship. Color rankings correspond to the current ranking. This is an imperfect measurement used by reviewing footage of combat as we currently have no method of seeing the actual damage accrued in real-time. A crew’s gunnery and helming performance plays a factor in this measurement.
The maximum amount of damage we recorded by a single ship before it was either sunk or de-spawned from the server. This often includes multiple engagements over time. Color rankings correspond to the current ranking. Many successful ship captains will despawn their ships before the reach their true potential, or run out of targets. The graph shows the maximum we recorded.

Latest In-Game Data Collection

Below shows the latest in additional records that have yet to be added to the charts above. To avoid a situation where the charts are in constant flux, we only update the data sets once the current one is considered “obsolete.” This is defined as a point were the TBS Accuracy column has greater than 70% of its records showing that the TBS analysis of the battle was incorrect. Here is a quick overview of what each column means:

  • Date: The date in which the battle was recorded.
  • Type: The location or type of engagement where the battle took place. Public means it was an engagement on a public server, typically by players who did not re-plan the battle. Skirm is a pre-planned battle on a public server. Official is usually in a war server.
  • Team (1 or 2): The flag of the team that was participating.
  • Ships: List of ships and their configurations (if known) that participated in the battle. This can include multiple ships.
  • Winning Probability: This is the pre-battle probability calculated by TBS before the engagement starts.
  • Actual (Probability): This is the probability calculation made by TBS when the first shot hits it’s target. This factors in the maneuverability and tactics of the helmer.
  • First Strike Risk: This factors in much of a factor good helming will play in the upcoming battle. This is done at the same time as Winning Probability and has no impact on the battle results itself.
  • TBS Projected Winner: This is the predicted outcome provided by TBS at the point the Actual Probability is calculated.
  • Actual Winner: This is the actual outcome of the battle.
  • TBS Accuracy: Determines if the TBS Projectection matches with Actual results within a reasonable tolerance of error.
  • Combat Notes: Any notes the recorder wishes to make with regards to the battle. Only official battles, or those that are pre-approved can mention names of players. This is to protect privacy of individuals on Public Servers.

Recently Recorded Matches

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