F&BP Trading Company maintains a price guide for Tradelands.  This page shows the market price for any item listed on the Grand Isles Stock Exchange.  Only items that are listed as ”Active” are shown.  If you have any questions or do not understand the information presented, you can refer to the Q&A page.

You can also see how items are trending over time on the Trading Indexes Page.

Prices Last Updated On: 2025-02-03 09:20:54


Materials are items used primarily for construction and crafting.

Any material listed or used primarily in the “Metal” slot at a blacksmith station.  This includes premium metals and gems.

Item Name Price Per Piece Market Cap Last Updated
Amethyst 1,097.55 2,366,321.32 2025-01-31
Blued Steel 1,500.00 28,500.00 2025-01-20
Brass 5,615.55 954,643.33 2025-01-31
Brekonium 10,912.51 2025-01-28
Cast Iron 600.00 121,800.00 2025-01-29
Caterian Bronze 900.00 2024-12-29
Coal 473.49 565,820.75 2025-01-31
Colebalt 1,013.80 625,514.71 2025-01-29
Comp L 3,024.27 4,781,375.15 2025-01-31
Copper 143.95 992,528.44 2025-01-31
Electrosteel 9,411.97 696,485.54 2025-01-31
Emerald 1,002.96 445,312.11 2025-01-31
Eobloxium 1,497.67 3,130,120.77 2025-01-30
Gold 1,414.80 6,096,373.31 2025-01-31
Heartsteel 1,044.84 365,694.04 2025-01-05
Ice 6,099.81 14,724,935.23 2025-01-30
Iron 177.80 887,068.43 2025-01-31
Lysian Steel 10,000.00 2024-05-01
Markhamanite 1,620.81 1,588,393.87 2025-01-23
Nahrsteinium 2,398.91 1,089,103.07 2025-01-20
Niobium 950.18 101,669.15 2025-01-31
Onyx 5,053.44 5,462,765.71 2025-01-31
Pursteel 6,295.03 755,404.04 2025-01-31
Redmetal 1,213.82 849,670.79 2025-01-26
Ruby 1,027.31 736,578.08 2025-01-31
Salt 800.00 2025-01-29
Saltpeter 129.78 76,179.09 2025-01-31
Sand 15,122.37 907,342.40 2025-01-31
Sapphire 4,931.75 4,335,007.37 2025-01-31
Sepsteel 1,462.74 3,199,016.92 2025-01-31
Silver 439.10 2,951,175.10 2025-01-31
Skelestone 1,892.60 5,973,031.71 2025-01-30
Steel 1,282.72 2025-01-21
Tuanite 3,998.71 20,749,281.65 2025-01-30

Any material listed or used primarily in the “Wood” slot at a blacksmith station. This includes premium woods.

Item Name Price Per Piece Market Cap Last Updated
Acacia 949.26 702,453.19 2025-01-30
Angelwood 466.29 1,804,058.07 2025-01-29
Ash 180.25 800,316.64 2025-01-29
Blood Oak 1,672.29 6,376,456.57 2025-01-31
Blue Pine 1,036.13 632,038.78 2025-01-31
Cedar 374.35 224,607.05 2025-01-20
Cherry 184.68 285,882.21 2025-01-31
Ebony 1,892.11 12,728,233.61 2025-01-31
Elm 166.83 273,775.08 2025-01-29
Grimewood 475.50 747,954.08 2025-01-30
Heartwood 999.60 519,793.49 2025-01-23
Inyolan Oak 5,642.75 8,430,261.11 2025-01-14
Ironwood 276.15 299,898.92 2025-01-29
Lemonwood 1,164.86 2,114,218.47 2025-01-31
Mahogany 148.18 608,130.73 2025-01-31
Maple 2,073.48 5,440,809.08 2025-01-31
Moorian Hardwood 2,000.00 160,000.00 2024-11-19
Oak 154.75 1,716,834.07 2025-01-31
Osage 980.23 1,775,193.16 2025-01-28
Pine 642.24 407,819.78 2025-01-31
Plumwood 1,534.57 650,655.59 2025-01-30
Pwnwood 2,448.78 5,739,939.08 2025-01-31
Red Oak 1,048.93 419,571.68 2025-01-28
Spruce 1,870.24 3,055,978.96 2025-01-31
Western Greenwood 1,742.13 3,388,439.14 2025-01-31
Yew 403.34 127,858.07 2025-01-31

Non-Material Items

Items that are not weapons or crafting materials fall into the Non-Material Items category. Items are categorized based on their primary use.

Any material listed or used primarily in an item slot on the player’s character. This includes items that can be displayed in a house but are worn as well.

Item Name Price Per Piece Market Cap Last Updated
Abs 1,401,785.71 2025-01-12
Burkeland Cape 1,847,601.69 2025-01-31
Festive Faction Cape 201,174.63 3,822,318.06 2025-01-31
Ghost Morph 345,000.00 2025-01-03
Ghost Pal 5,000,000.00 2025-01-15
Inyolan Cape 18,690,740.74 2025-01-02
Lantern 72,937.02 2024-08-24
Purshovian Cape 5,881,044.90 2025-01-31
Purshovian Navy Cape 4,754,583.33 2025-01-14
Sashimono 136,453.20 1,637,438.38 2025-01-30
Spyglass 30,000.00 2025-01-28
Spyglass Of Unusual Proportions 441,282.45 2024-09-23
Torch 10,000.00 2024-12-30
Verdantine Cape 5,908,994.71 2025-01-17
Verner Cape 55,000,000.00 2025-01-31

Any item that is typically consumed when used but isn’t considered a primary material.  This includes ammunition.

Item Name Price Per Piece Market Cap Last Updated
Beeswax 21.01 6,470.19 2025-01-30
Blue Hard Tack 10,000.00 2024-12-01
Bolts 110.00 2025-01-21
Caplock Ammunition 568.84 351,540.99 2025-01-28
Chocolate 200.00 94,200.00 2024-12-06
Dull Dye 195.82 2025-01-30
Fish Oil 404.88 154,260.08 2025-01-31
Flintlock Ammunition 446.72 51,373.25 2025-01-28
Gunpowder 950.00 47,500.00 2024-11-25
Normal Dye 167.98 35,948.55 2025-01-30
Roundshot 45.00 2024-11-20
Swivel Ammunition 733.58 84,362.27 2025-01-28
Vibrant Dye 406.22 5,687.11 2025-01-30

Any item which can be obtained using a fishing rod. These items are usually used to make Fish Oil, furniture, or in premium cargo trading.

Item Name Price Per Piece Market Cap Last Updated
Ballyhoo 20.00 900.00 2024-12-13
Mackerel 100.00 30,000.00 2024-12-03
Marlin 300.00 60,300.00 2025-01-28
Mullet 100.00 15,000.00 2024-11-13
Red Drum 155.00 2024-12-06
Tarpon 100.00 30,000.00 2024-12-03
Trout 40.00 2,600.00 2024-12-13
Tuna 240.00 48,240.00 2025-01-28

Any item that is typically displayed in a house or uses the furniture icon when viewed in inventory.

Item Name Price Per Piece Market Cap Last Updated
Breki Space Pirate 302,230.60 2025-01-11
Cat 700,000.00 2024-12-11
Chronometer 71,458.33 2025-01-30
Color Changing Tree 800,000.00 2024-12-24
Gramophone 270,912.84 2025-01-29
Horse 814,583.33 2024-08-24
Invisible Displays 15,000.00 2025-01-31
Inyolan Hawk 509,962.96 2024-12-28
Iron Dogdan Toy 1,500,000.00 2024-07-20
Music Box 851,687.50 2025-01-28
Nova Balreska Officer 1,200,000.00 2024-09-11
Pet Rock 7,338,400.00 2024-08-24
Pirate Naptian 1,493,877.55 2025-01-15
Purshovian Merchant 256,666.67 2025-01-18
Sheep 145,000.00 2024-12-09
Shield 350,000.00 2024-10-13
Sparks Kilowatt Chest 97,142.86 2025-01-12
Whitecrest Admiral 1,498,847.06 2025-01-25

Items primarily purchased for Robux or Premium Tokens and do not appear in another category.

Item Name Price Per Piece
Market Cap Last Updated
Advanced Engine 272,652.22 2025-01-29
Blacksmith’s Hammer 151,514.40 2025-01-28
Carpenter’s Mallet 136,001.01 1,632,012.16 2025-01-30
Cladifier 1,045,277.69 2025-01-29
Deluxe Cannon Crate 366,650.19 2025-01-29
High Quality Molds 2,230.59 452,809.29 2025-01-30
Mystery Crate 44,670.15 536,041.75 2025-01-31
Premium Material Cannon Converter 213,066.92 4,261,338.45 2025-01-30
Premium Material Cladifier 2,746,916.79 2025-01-31
Premium Tokens 265.22 1,413,074.30 2025-01-31
Steam Engine Parts 138,553.29 2025-01-26

Any token or other item that is used in the purchase of other items.  This includes seasonal vouchers.

Item Name Price Per Piece
Market Cap Last Updated
Breki Wealth Token 547,822.64 2025-01-29
Burkeland Prize Token 2,000,000.00 2024-12-19
Empty Barrel 1,900,000.00 2025-01-03
Fang Voucher 800,000.00 2025-01-30
Ghostship Voucher 946,107.50 2025-01-19
Kingfisher Blueprint 1,723,626.49 27,578,023.89 2025-01-30
Komodo Blueprint 1,071,222.11 2025-01-27
Kraken Voucher 100,000.00 2025-01-20
Mark Of Nahr 1,161,913.58 2025-01-08
Megalodon Blueprint 1,668,710.31 2025-01-30
Minnowclad Voucher 3,500,000.00 2025-01-03
Mortar Platform Voucher 2,848,410.44 2025-01-13
Nautilus Blueprint 823,379.98 2025-01-30
Steam Goose Voucher 9,675,000.00 2025-01-31
Steamfish Voucher 2,500,000.00 2025-01-08
Taipan Voucher 250,000.00 2024-12-08
Wyvern Blueprint 3,312,171.96 52,994,751.31 2025-01-30

Ship Gear

Any item that can be equipped to a ship falls into this category.  Items generally fall into two groups. Cannons are used in specific slots on warships. Figureheads are used in the Figurehead slot on a ship which can sometimes upgrade the ships cosmetic and functional characteristics. This does not include consumables such as coal and roundshot which are mentioned in their own category above.

Any item that is used in the cannon slot on a ship.  This includes items that can upgrade or cosmetically change items that go into this slot such as cannon converter kits.

Item Name Price Per Piece
Market Cap Last Updated
Bacon Hair Long Gun 2,706,666.67 2024-08-13
Blunderblaster Turret 396,111.11 2024-12-30
Corncade Carronade 3,000,000.00 2023-09-30
Cupid Long Gun 393,576.75 2024-12-30
Cupid Mortar 349,520.46 2024-12-30
Festive Medium Long Guns 416,462.59 2025-01-15
Ornate Cannon Conversion 40,437.16 768,305.95 2025-01-31
Poseidon Twin Long Gun 1,000,000.00 2025-01-30
Red Mortar 15,000,000.00 2025-01-30
Royal Cannon Conversion 41,698.58 1,667,943.18 2025-01-31
Spotlight Swivel 70,083.33 2024-12-22
Terry Cannon Conversion Kits 298,214.29 2025-01-03
Twin Long Gun 1,250,000.00 2025-01-28
Universal Carronade 46,103.31 1,429,202.46 2025-01-31
Universal Long Gun 75,799.94 2025-01-31
Universal Mortar 30,485.14 2025-01-31
Wicked Cannon Converter Kit 56,955.31 797,374.39 2025-01-31

Any item that is used or placed on ships.  This includes items that have a visual impact, as well as cannons.

Item Name Price Per Piece
Market Cap Last Updated
Dead Man’s Brigand Figurehead 165,779.49 2025-01-31
Dead Man’s Gargoyle 752,916.67 2025-01-31
Dead Man’s Otter Figurehead 97,653.91 2025-01-31
Dead Man’s Sparrow Figurehead 5,000,000.00 2025-01-29
Deadman’s Albatross Figurehead 16,000,000.00 2025-01-31
Deadman’s Stiletto Upgrade 800,000.00 2025-01-21
Dragon Figurehead 83,648.20 2025-01-31
Jinglehopper 500,000.00 2025-01-21
Rare Dragon Figurehead 267,443.87 2025-01-31
Wicked Binglehopper Figurehead 122,312.77 2025-01-31
Wicked Poseidon Figurehead 3,500,000.00 2024-12-31


Items that can be used in combat in either the left, right, or back slots. This is a complex group of items that can have a lot of variety in the price of items based on prefix values. You can use the Prefix Value Calculator below to estimate the price of most items that will have a difference price based on their prefixes.

Some items differ in prices based on their prefixes. This is most common in melee weapons, especially if they impact the combat performance of the item. The prefixes are based on the type of wood and metal used in its construction. This shows the current market prices for items based on their prefixes, instead of showing all the items in that category (see below for those price categories).

To use the calculator, find the item in your inventory and select the closest match in the dropdowns:

Any item that is intended for use as a melee combat weapon. These weapons are typically obtained through crates which are offered periodically through the Premium Merchant. While some prefix combinations are craftable, most use combinations that cannot be crafted by players.

Item Name Price Per Piece
Market Cap Last Updated
Brutus 7,023.43 2025-01-24
Cutlass 22,395.83 2025-01-26
Dadao 24,744.40 2025-01-21
Dagger 21,666.67 2025-01-17
Expulsor 40,413.21 2024-12-08
Falchion 17,888.89 2025-01-21
Fisherman’s Cleaver 21,039.68 2025-01-26
Hatchet 15,000.00 2024-12-27
Kabutowari 15,333.33 2025-01-26
Khopesh 70,000.00 2024-12-28
Kris 20,750.00 2024-12-24
Machete 15,000.00 2024-12-27
Naginata 84,604.17 2024-12-31
Poleaxe 27,184.85 2024-12-27
Rapier 29,410.31 2025-01-17
Ripper 20,966.27 2025-01-22
Sabre 27,456.81 2025-01-21
Sanctus 31,148.05 2024-12-29
Scimitar 35,237.50 2025-01-17
Short Sword 40,000.00 2024-12-24
Slay Bells 15,000.00 2024-12-08
Smallsword 18,000.00 2024-12-30
Spadroon 28,888.89 2024-12-24
Spiked Club 50,000.00 2024-12-22
Stiletto 20,611.11 2024-12-24
Tomahawk 10,000.00 2025-01-21
Vicious Dagger 25,375.00 2025-01-21
Vicious Sword 35,666.67 2025-01-17
Vom’iak 12,703.09 2024-12-20
Wakizashi 69,677.63 2025-01-30

Any item that is intended for use as a melee combat weapon. These weapons are typically obtained through crates which are offered periodically through the Premium Merchant. While some prefix combinations are craftable, most use combinations that cannot be crafted by players.

Item Name Price Per Piece
Market Cap Last Updated
Battle Axe 20,939.24 2025-01-17
Double Executioner’s Axe 21,326.91 2024-12-30
Executioner’s Axe 21,250.00 2025-01-21
Firelance 473,067.77 2025-01-17
Glaive 16,071.43 2025-01-09
Greataxe 50,000.00 2024-12-29
Greatblade 15,000.00 2024-12-27
Greatsword 32,503.72 2024-12-30
Katana 26,666.67 2025-01-12
Mallet 23,956.92 311,439.90 2024-12-31
Pitchfork 23,046.30 2024-09-19
Scythe 30,000.00 2025-01-21
Sledgehammer 83,125.00 2024-12-26
Snow Shovel 46,370.63 2025-01-03
Spear 68,638.89 2025-01-05
Trident 20,000.00 2024-12-30
War Axe 14,000.00 2024-11-27
Warhammer 20,000.00 2024-09-16
Wicked Axe 40,000.00 2024-08-25

Any item that is intended for use as a melee combat weapon and is obtained through an event. This also includes crate weapons that have unique properties such as collecting special items when used.

Item Name Price Per Piece
Market Cap Last Updated
Banana 4,750,000.00 2024-08-23
Boneblade 9,010,862.63 2024-10-30
Broken Hearts Sword 5,000,000.00 2024-09-18
Glowsaber 1,800,000.00 2025-01-30
Ice Axe 100,000.00 2024-12-26
Knife 406,331.57 2025-01-31

Any item that is intended for use as a ranged attack weapon which is used on your character. These are mainly for items found in crates or during special events, not craftable items.

Item Name Price Per Piece
Market Cap Last Updated
Assassin’s Crossbow 20,000.00 2024-12-27
Caplock Musket 19,250.00 2025-01-05
Caplock Pistol 24,757.51 2025-01-26
Caplock Rifle 26,500.00 2025-01-21
Derringer 30,000.00 2025-01-14
Exotic Rifle 28,888.89 2024-10-02
Festive Caplock 8,188.89 2025-01-11
Festive Flintlock 22,125.00 2025-01-02
Flintlock Musket 19,000.00 2024-11-27
Flintlock Pistol 15,333.33 2025-01-26
Flintlock Rifle 30,000.00 2024-11-20
Hand Crossbow 3,000.00 2025-01-21
Heavy Crossbow 8,425.07 2025-01-21
Inyolan Crossbow 19,666.67 2025-01-26
Jailor Pistol 22,854.05 2025-01-26
Light Crossbow 24,000.00 2024-12-24
Long Musket 15,000.00 2024-12-11
Mini Crossbow 36,333.33 2024-07-09
Navy Musket 13,000.00 2025-01-12
Navy Pistol 13,500.00 2025-01-07
Officer Pistol 40,000.00 2024-12-26
Reaper Rifle 36,136.05 2025-01-26
Repeating Crossbow 26,433.89 2024-12-27
Royal Musket 38,333.33 2024-12-24
Royal Pistol 20,000.00 2025-01-21
Sawed-Off Musket 30,000.00 2024-11-13

Any item that is intended for use as a ranged attack weapon which also has a unique characteristic such as swivel effects, special glowing characteristics, or obtainable only through specific events. These are mainly for items found in crates or during special events, not craftable items.

Item Name Price Per Piece
Market Cap Last Updated
Blunderblaster 1,200,000.00 2025-01-29
Boneblaster 9,000,000.00 2024-07-08
Bubbas Bad Breath 39,841.64 796,832.83 2025-01-30
Cupid Crossbow 403,325.95 2024-11-19
Firebreather 186,323.04 2025-01-30
Scattergun 92,722.57 2025-01-22
Trapshooter Blunderblaster 91,066.67 2025-01-30


  1. Hello there, I was wondering if you could possibly update the item index of the Wyvern Blueprint. Some details were last updated on June 30th and are greatly outdated. Thank You!

  2. hey sorry to ask but can you add all kinds of cannons to the list like heavy, medium, light, and universal ? thanks for reading once again!!!

  3. hey can you add normal candles to the list and use the discord tln prices? thank you for taking the time to read this!

    1. Thanks for the feedback. I’ve added it to the script that collects the data.

      There aren’t a whole lot of people listing prices for it, so it might take a while before it actually shows up. That said, it’s the same price as the Poseidon Figurehead in the Premium Merchant, so you can use that price if you need a baseline. The Poseidon Upgrade costs 100 Premium Tokens and has a trading price of $28k as of writing this reply.

    1. I asked the appraisal team to directly respond to your query and provide a deeper explanation:

      We will add War Axe to the list. Right now it is bundled under Battle Axe.

      You are correct about the Knife. We omit the “Old” from the name because it is the prefix for Ash wood and don’t want to accidentally misrepresent this prefix. Be advised that pricing in this category is highly subjective since the knife, to our knowledge, cannot be obtained anymore. Our general recommendation is to price rare/unobtainable items

        higher than what it is worth to you

      until you can properly gauge the interest from players.


    1. The King’s Trident appears as “Trident” under “Melee Weapons from Crates” section. It’s a long list, so if you are having trouble finding it, you can also select Trident in the dropdown (leave the other options to default) and you will get roughly the same price.

      For the pistol, “Frosted” is technically listed as a wood prefix type. Instead, look for either Flintlock Pistol or Caplock Pistol in the “Ranged Weapons” list and use that price. The difference is based on the type of ammunition the pistol uses. In most cases, if the item doesn’t specifically say “Caplock” in the name, it’s most likely a flintlock version. The prices should be nearly identical either way.

      If you are still having trouble finding these, let me know.

      1. Only problem is, I have another wood, cuz the pistol is its own I believe, and my weapon is a charged majestic santanite frosted pistol

        1. I asked the appraisal team to directly respond to your query and provide a deeper explanation. This is what they said, if you have follow up questions please ask:

          In your case, the price would be reflected by selecting the following options.
          – Charged Majestic
          – Santanite
          – Flintlock Pistol

          I looked at my notes, the price on this guide will probably be around $20k-$25k because demand for it is low. But the collector’s price for it is $104k if you can find someone who is interested in that specific combination.

          In this case, the word “Frosted” is a reference to the year in which the item was released. Especially for winter items, the Tradelands Dev Team tends to put a unique identifier on released items to indicate which year/crate they came out. In the last release, for example, the identifier was “Peppermint.” These labels don’t have a big impact on the price of the items. Unfortunately, “Frosted” is also an item prefix so it is very confusing. In general only look at the first two prefixes of an item and not the third one in the item name.

          I hope that helps,

    1. All the crate item weapons should now be available in the Price Guide. If you see one that is missing or looks incorrect, please let me know.

      One quick side note. Since the Katana, Naginata, and Wakizashi were all previously available on the Price Guide, it will take some time before the price fully corrects. Please expect some fluctuations in the price as the newer items begin to offset existing ones. This typically takes around a month to stabilize.

    1. Exotic Rifles have been included in the data model, but it will take time for it to collect enough data to show up on the Price Guide. It most likely will not show up until sometime next month, based on how often they are traded.

      Until it shows up as its own category, you can use the generic rifle category to under Ranged Weapons. This is where the item was being recorded prior to February.

  4. hey thank you, for that info, but is there a way you can make a costem weapon calculater with all availible combos i want to sell costem weapons and want to know how much to sell them for

  5. hey can you add tools to the list of the calcuator and I need to know if a spear is worth something before I sell them.

  6. Please add the double executioners axe to the price guide and calculator along with a updated guide on wood, mining, and ships.

    1. Double Executioner’s Axe has been added. Currently, these are all being included under Executioner’s Axe because the prices are very similar. However, it will start showing up on its on row in the Price Guide as soon as it collects enough information to show the prices.

      As for wood and mining, unfortunately we have to wait on this since we don’t know what impact winter will have on the changes from earlier this year. As soon as we know (and have the data to prove it) we will be updating the guide.

      Ships updates are almost done and will be updated soon, along with more detailed combat stats.

          1. I can add it to the script to find out. It is likely to have price variations based on prefixes so be aware of that. It typically takes some time before it will show up on the Price Guide but I will expedite it.

            If this is an urgent need, I can confirm that two of our members bought blades of bread for 70k and 75k respectively. That is were I expect the base price to start.

  7. Is there any way you could add Burke Weapons predictions? I have a bunch but wanna know when would be a good time to sell it, considering if I do so now I could get another Merchant ship. Also, this is SUPER HELPFUL and your videos are rly cool. Thanks!

  8. I think I got scammed hard just now, was looking for oak and some Nassau guy was offering 170 per piece I tried to haggle with him and he only put it down to 160 lost like 3k db there

  9. Just curious, where are you getting your data on the firelance’s value index? The difference in price between one that is a glowie and one that isn’t is atleast 100K and they’ve become very difficult to obtain. These items are used in combat and become less common. Yet your data shows the price only in a downward trend and doesn’t specify these factors so I’m rather confused.

    1. Interesting. I’ve made a note of this and will check it once the period closes later tonight. A cursory look shows the market is tightening. As you noted, the swing is usually 100k, but it is down to around 80k at the moment so it might just be the “mix” of glowie vs. non-glowies that is causing this.

  10. I think pretty much all of these are right but there might be a few things that are very inflated, overall i would trust this website for how diligently they worked on everything and how accurate most of these prices are, Thanks guys!

  11. where does the data for this list of prices come from? is it from tlo/tla/other tradelands related discord servers, from publicly shown screenshots of trades, from verbal anecdotes or from somewhere else?

    1. Our data primarily comes from prices and items that are marketing/bought/sold in game. We are sometimes asked to include other sources which we review on a case by case basis. We rarely include anecdotal trades (The exception being ones reported through this website), and only when we can confirm the source and verify the transaction.

      We are always open to suggestions on how to improve our data collection. Also, If you have concerns over specific items, or have an item you would like added to the list, please let us know.

    1. Thank you for the comment. Unfortunately, our group doesn’t set the prices on the items shown to this list. The players of Tradelands do through buying and selling these items in game. This page is a report on those transactions.

      If you have concerns over specific items, let us know though. I’m always happy to review the items and make corrections if you spot an issue.

  12. Thx so much for this price guide and all the services you guys provide it is very accurate and is very helpful especially in these times of hardships.

    Red Sun Militia

    1. Thanks for confirming! I checked and it looks like the algorithm has picked up this transaction already, but I’ve made a note anyway. I’ve posted a graph with an arrow showing this transaction’s impact:


      In summary, it looks like this had a +40k bump up in value for the Mark, and puts pressure on other sellers to raise their prices. Nice job. There are at least 4 other sellers offering competitive pricing for their Marks so it will be interesting to see what they do next.

  13. Hello,
    how do you calculate the market price ?
    Is it the average transaction price or the average sell offer price ?

    1. The data model factors in both transaction and sell prices, not just the average sell price. At the moment, there is a slight skew towards sell price simply because the volume of marketed items is higher than actual trade volume.

      Negotiations and transactions that occur in private (aka “off market”) are not reflected in the prices shown on this page.

      Hope that helps!

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